AU7096S1 - APPLE

Let It Be / PCSO 7096 / stereo label 1 / Apple
AUS7096S1.c - Let It Be / PCSO 7096 / stereo label 1 (Apple) / Variation c

as per AU7096S1.b except:

- 'Apple' music publishing credit for trk 2.1
AUS7096S1.d - Let It Be / PCSO 7096 / stereo label 1 (Apple) / Variation d

as per AU7096S1.c except:

- increased vertical gap between and album title (S1)
AUS7096S1.a - Let It Be / PCSO 7096 / stereo label 1 (Apple) / Variation a

- large 'STEREO'
- italicised speed details (both labels)
- 'Northern Songs' music publishing credit for track 2.1
- trk 1.7 tracklist details spread over two lines
- title and composer credit appear on same line for track 2.3
- solid dot at left of arced manufacture credit
AUS7096S1.b - Let It Be / PCSO 7096 / stereo label 1 (Apple) / Variation b

as per AU7096S1.a except:

- small
- non-italicised speed and matrix details (both labels)
- trk 1.7 tracklist details spread over three lines
- title isolated on one line for track 2.3
- no solid dot at left of arced manufacture credit