
A Collection of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 / orange 1-Box / style A / top STEREO

A Collection of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 / orange 1-Box / style C / no STEREO
AU7016S5A.b - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation b
AU7016S5A.c - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation c
AU7016S5A.d - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation d
AU7016S5C.a - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style C (no stereo) / Variation a

- no music royalty stamps
- italicised tracklist and matrix number (both labels)
- format/code info printed, respectively, above and below cat.#
- trk 1.1 and 1.2 details contained in same line
- trk 1.4 and 1.5 details contained in same line
- trk 2.2 and 2.3 details contained in same line

- non-italicised tracklist and matrix number (both labels)
- vert gap between trks 1.1 & 1.2 is reduced
- vert gap between trks 2.1 & 2.2 is increased
- horiz space increase between speed and Cat.# (both labels)

- all tracks in tracklist printed on individual lines
- speed and matrix number relocated from label-right to label-left
- catalogue number situated farther to right
- side 1 tracklist packed vertically tighter

Apart from 'no STEREO', all other label aspects as per AU7016S5A.d
AU7016S5A.e - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation e

- Unique font of tracklist (both labels)
AU7016S5A.a - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation a

- music publishing royalty stamps
- non-italicised font for all text elements
AU7016S5A.f - A Collection Of Beatles Oldies / PCSO 7016 / stereo label 5 (orange 1-box) / style A ('top' stereo) / Variation f

- italicised '33 1/3 R.P.M.' (both labels)
- STEREO situated higher than 'usual' (both labels)
- increase in spread of album title (side 1)
- catalogue number shifted more to left